As an athlete, you have to stay in top shape in order to stay competitive. While strenuous training out on the field and in the gym is essential, it is necessary to seek out additional forms of training to enhance your overall performance. GyroStim therapy is an advanced training system that can boost your athleticism with its innovative technologies. Interested in learning more? Keep reading to find out how GyroStim in Denver works and why all athletes should give it a try.

GyroStim is a state-of-the-art, mutli-axis rotating chair used to provide vestibular stimulation. It spins you across multiple planes while you uses lasers to fire at targets placed throughout your field of vision. Controlled by a computer, participants can see strengths and weaknesses, reaction times, and proficiency with hand-eye coordination. While this technology slightly resembles an amusement park ride if you’re not familiar with its purpose, GyroStim therapy can be highly beneficial in the treatment of a wide variety of conditions.