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McWhorter CNR Blog
treat vertigo symptoms

Most people don’t realize that they are suffering from vertigo until after their symptoms have already started. Once vertigo starts, it becomes difficult to control, manage, and mitigate. In addition, vertigo can become worse over time when left untreated. If you're experiencing vertigo symptoms, the Denver office of McWhorter CNR may be able to help you.

Common Vertigo Symptoms and Available Treatments

Vertigo is a common symptom of many different medical conditions that’s best described as the sensation that you or the surrounding environment is moving or spinning. However, there are several different types of vertigo conditions. The two main types include peripheral vertigo and central vertigo. It's important to know the difference between these types of vertigo so you can get the right treatment for your condition. Peripheral and central vertigo mainly differ in the origin of the spinning sensation. Central vertigo is caused by the central nervous system, while peripheral vertigo is mainly caused by issues with the inner ear. Although less common than peripheral vertigo, central vertigo is known to come on suddenly and last for long periods of time. It is also known to be more intense than peripheral vertigo.

Here are a few of the common symptoms that can be associated with both types of vertigo.


This is one of the most common signs of vertigo. You may feel like you're spinning or falling when you stand up straight. This feeling usually goes away within minutes. However, sensations of dizziness do not always mean that you have vertigo. Sometimes dizziness can be caused by other health problems such as:

• A blood clot in your brain (brain aneurysm)

• Problems with your inner ear (labyrinthitis)

• Head injury

• Stroke

• And more

If you experience dizziness frequently, talk to your doctor about what might be causing it.

Balance Problems

When you have vertigo, you lose balance when you stand on one foot. You may also lose balance if you look down while standing. Again, balance problems may not always indicate that you have vertigo and can happen because of other health issues, such as:

• Brain damage from stroke

• Hearing loss

• Vestibular disease

• Other conditions

If you notice any changes in your balance, see your doctor immediately. Your doctor will check your eyesight, hearing, and vestibular system for irregularities or concerns. He/she may order tests to rule out certain causes of balance problems.


Tinnitus is best described as ringing in the ears. The sound is often described as buzzing, roaring, hissing, whistling, humming, clicking, or popping. Tinnitus can occur at all ages but is more likely to affect older adults. Some people describe tinnitus as “ringing in the head.”

The cause of tinnitus isn't known but it is a common symptom of vertigo. However, there are some things you can do to reduce its severity, like:

• Maintaining good posture

• Avoiding loud noises

• Using headphones or earplugs

• And more

Treatments For Vertigo

Vertigo symptoms can be tricky to treat, but there are several treatments available today. These treatments range from simple home remedies to prescription drugs and other therapeutic interventions. Talk to your doctor before trying a new treatment for your symptoms of vertigo. At McWhorter CNR, we specialize in non-invasive, drug-free therapies and treatments. Some of these treatments include:

GyroStim Therapy

GyroStim therapy is a unique form of treatment that targets the sensorimotor system and trains your system to respond to stimuli faster and more naturally. For vertigo, GyroStim therapy can help you train your brain and body to feel balanced and stable again.

Sensory Integration

The premise of sensory integration therapy is to help patients develop coping skills so that the exposure to various stimuli doesn’t become overwhelming. This is done by repeated and controlled exposure of stimuli through one or more of the senses. For vertigo, this treatment can help to train the body and mind to remain balanced when a vertigo episode occurs. This can help the body prepare for, and even prevent symptoms.

McWhorter CNR: Your Treatment Center for Vertigo Symptoms

Vertigo is an extremely uncomfortable condition that makes everyday activities challenging. If you're suffering from vertigo, you may feel some instances of imbalance, dizziness, and nausea simply because of a slight movement of your neck. Vertigo can cause dizziness and disorientation during everyday tasks including walking, standing, and even riding a bicycle. While vertigo isn't curable, there are a variety of treatments available to help alleviate symptoms.

We can help at McWhorter CNR. We provide many unique and innovative therapies and treatments at our neurological rehabilitation clinic that are well-suited to alleviate vertigo symptoms for long lasting periods of time. We strive to minimize your episodes of vertigo, using natural treatment modalities.

Contact us today and get started treating your vertigo symptoms in Colorado today.